Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Laid Off

So, when one door closes, another one opens, or something like that. That's what it says on the card my parents sent me. I hope so, but I'm not too worried.

Like the song says, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"

So, this 6-year temp job is finally coming to an end. What started off as "hey, it's 1999, NASDAQ will never go down, stock options will make us all rich" has come full circle to this: I'm stuck with stock options that may or may not be worthless, and my 401k is finally (FINALLY!!) back to pre-2001 levels.

But at least I won't have a job that I don't like. Whew, I said it. For the past 6 years, I've been putting on a brave face, sticking with the company, riding out the bad economy and awful job market, hoping for the big payoff. I guess I'm still hoping.
But the job itself, sucked. It was boring. I wasn't challenged. Advancement or promotion wasn't a realistic option...but the pay was nice. It kept me here. It was safe and consistent. While people all around me were being let go, I stayed and survived. I learned how much (or little) work I needed to do in order to stay employed. But my number finally came up.

In all honesty, I'd have to say that this was handled in a fair way. I was told on Aug 31st, but they're keeping me here until a nice severance package to, no, I'm not being escorted out of the building.

So, I get a "vacation" (the wife will have much to say about that), and get to "find myself" again, and maybe, just maybe, I'll find work that inspires me, challenges me, and makes me feel like I'm really contributing something, or at least creating something that I can put my name on and say... I did this.

We might move up to Portland. Yes, everyone else is doing it, so why shouldn't we?
I'll get a job at Powells, spend my days at Stumptown and still have my weekends at the Farmers Market.


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