Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Super Bowl XL

Ok...We had a big game on Sunday, lots of people were watching, lots of money riding on the outcome, and lots of hopes and dreams made and squashed. We've had everyone and (AND!!!) their mothers analyzing, opining and regurgitating the conventional wisdom and offering any contrarian angles that can fill column space. (I'm looking at you Skip Bayless)
So here's my take.

There's been a lot of talk about the refs. "The officials were terrible and wanted the Steelers to win" is one common refrain. This is actually two points, one true, one ridiculous.
The refs were terrible, but they've been terrible all year and Sunday was no different. It appeared that most of the bad calls went against Seattle, but not all.

Let's go through the ones that many of the Seattle fans are upset about.

DJax pass interference in the endzone took away a touchdown:
I've watched this play about 8 times now. It would've been called 8 times. DJax pushed off, the defender moved back after the pushoff and the ref reached for his flag the instant the push-off occurred. There was no hesitation from the ref. (he missed the flag originally, looked back to make sure he had it and then threw it.)
Only Michael Jordan gets away with this (NBA finals vs Utah).
Don't say, "he didn't really push" or "it was a ticky-tacky call".
Djax's arm reached out to the defender, and both players moved away from each other.
Again, it gets called every time.

Holding call takes away Stevens catch at the 1 yard line.
This one was tough for Seattle fans and I understand. John Madden said that he didn't see the hold on the replay but said there could've been, but "not in that picture."
You know, maybe a different angle would've shown it...but we never saw another angle. So no conclusive evidence there...either way. And then the wheels fell off for the Seahawks.

The Roethlisberger Touchdown
Another close call that could've gone either way. The ref called it a touchdown, and on replays, unless you have clear evidence that the call is incorrect, the play will stand as called. People will see what they want in this one.
I couldn't tell either way after repeated viewings, so the play has to stand as called. Iffy call...but it happens all the time.

The Hasselbeck Penalty
After the interception, Matt Hasselbeck made a nice tackle to end the interception return, but was called for a personal foul on the tackle.
This was a bad call. I don't know of anyone who feels otherwise on this one. But it didn't cost Seattle the game.

Calls for Seattle
Yes, there were breaks for the Seahawks, but that wouldn't fit into the narrative of "We got Robbed" that some people are saying. Et Tu Holmgren?
How about Jeremy Steven's "non-fumble?" Or the illegal hit on Ben Roethlisbeger after HIS interception? What I'm trying to say it that there were missed calls on both sides, but in the SuperBowl, they get magnified and dissected just way too much.

I thought it was a poorly played game and both teams had wasted many opportunities.
I was watching the game again last night and noticed that the Seahawks got the ball with 8:57 remaining, only down by 11. They needed a field goal and a touchdown.
They got nothing. And, they fell apart as the clock wound down.
That's why it ended in a loss for the 'Hawks.

Still, for Seahawks fans, it was a successful year and a nice run. Hopefully they'll get back next year and make their fans truly happy.

Oh, btw...can we stop with this "the commercials are the best part" crap? In the late 90's this may have been true. The games sucked and all the advertisers had huuuuge advertising budgets.


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