Frida's? Oh, I see.
So, I had vowed to never set foot into a Chili's, Friday's, Red Lobster, Olive
Garden or anything similar, ever again. I knew that this was an unrealistic vow, since in some areas, it's the only place to find "professionally" made food.
So, with this vow in my head, I really tried (really!) to steer the group in another direction when I found myself in SoCal, at an amusement park (Knott's) with my 2 god-sons in tow. But, being the good non-parent, I realized that whatever was convenient for the kids would be best. So, when dad said, "What's this Frida's over there?" I almost got excited, until I turned around and saw it. The "Y" was missing, but I could smell the faux-happiness from where I was standing.
It was Friday's and there was no line to get in.
My bigger problem...I wasn't all. It's a long story and I'm not getting into it here.
This was a newer Friday's, not as "striped" (red and white) as other versions I've seen.
It looked modern, not stuck in some 1987 daquiri-potato skin smelling, fern decor that these places usually feature.
The server was the typical bubbly, over-coached, young go-getter. Nice personality, and did a nice job taking care of us and the kids.
Now for the food. I had a bowl of French-onion soup. It tasted fine.
I would get it again and not complain. The rest of my dining partners had some sort of sizzling pasta dish, or some sizzling fajita dish, or some large (non-sizzling) salad. None of the other dishes looked very appetizing. But that's not really the issue.
I went to Friday's, didn't complain to anyone, ordered and ate food in peace, and actually had a decent time. That was a big step. Now don't tell anyone about this.
This'll be our little secret.
Now for a real review.
The wife and I met for lunch near her office and we chose a new place, called...oops.
I've lost the menu and I can't remember the name. It's French. La Coulte or something like that. It's from the folks who brought us Chez Papa and Chez Maman and as soon as I track down that menu, I'll post the review.
Let me just say that it was very good. Very French.